Role: Product Designer
Company: Patreon
Industry: Tech SaaS
How might we: Create shop & single time donation features that deepen the community building focus of Patreon and allow for multiple forms of payment?
Clearly Kickstarter was a primary platform for content creator donors. This reflected the majority of users surveyed donating for the benefits attached to their donation.
Users want something tangible for their donation. They want either a product or a thank you, or both. This indicates any payment feature should have some type of positive feedback built in.
Donors are largely drawn by the creators they follow. They largely complete donations for the perks
“I’ve been listening to this podcast for years, that’s what pushed me to finally donate.”
“I donate becuase he gives everything away and records himself doing it.”
“I wanted to be able to be more connected to her, have more give and take you know?”
Tab slider looks out of place
User correctly found their way to the checkout flow
Even without item titles, users clicked on the cards to learn more
No confusion about selecting item options
Users were interested in exploring the page and learning more about the product - even without pictures of it!
Users confused about option of “send tip” vs. “add to cart”
Users understood how to fill out the donation card correctly
Users lost track of their items because they were below the order details
Users understood how to complete the transaction without confusion or friction
Tab slider now in keeping with the rest of Patreon
Item titles more spaced out to increase readability
Payment method, shipping details, and billing address moved to card to allow for items to be shown at top of page
Competitor products are often a source of useful, in demand features: Etsy and buy me a coffee acted as major inspiration in undertanding how to expand Patreon’s suite of features
Often small tweaks to an interaction can significantly increase how intuitive they are to users: The tip feature was greatly improved by simply changing the microcopy and button treatment.
There are often many sets of users interacting with any product: In my user research I talked to users that looked for different things from their creators, some more focused on perks and others on connection with the creator.
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